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I have a private group on Facebook where I post videos of works in progress, where I brainstorm illustration ideas, and show off exclusive peaks of future projects. We share tarot spreads, product ideas, and conversations. I share nature altar ideas, writing, and other creative thoughts. Tarot decks are born here, and other large products get shared here before anywhere else. This is also the home of the PAY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD sales, which I periodically have. They are exactly what you think they might be: small pieces of easily-shipped artwork that costs what you can afford, no questions asked. Want to be part of the group? Click below.  

A very occasional newsletter filled with news about my various creative projects like artwork, new stockists, private sales, sneak peeks, nature things, hippie stuff, fundraising, and general writing. I'll only email when I've got plenty to say, because I hate getting lots of emails too.

Sign up below.  

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